Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Global warming extremists are killing black communities

7/5, "A delegation of 20 black mayors representing the National Conference of Black Mayors arrived in Washington, DC to lobby congress to pass legislation to promote "clean energy."
  • According to the delegation's press release, they want "a national plan to move their cities to become more energy efficient, reduce pollution and create new clean energy jobs and businesses."
But is black unemployment twice the national unemployment rate because of carbon emissions? Are the budgets of state and local governments running in the red because of the kind of energy Americans burn?
  • One visit that the delegation of black mayors did not make was to the National Black Chamber of Commerce.
There they could have discussed the study done for the NBCC by CRA International that estimates job losses to the American economy from "clean energy" initiatives - cap and trade bills passed by the House and Senate -

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