Saturday, July 31, 2010

EPA: US citizens owe billions in climate crime 'reparations' based on 3 sets of temp. data-- ClimateGater Phil Jones disagrees

Roger Pielke Sr. cites a 2003 report from ClimateGate's Phil Jones sharply at odds with
  • EPA's Jackson's statement that "3 sets of raw temperature data" have been exhaustively studied. Mr. Pielke notes 3 different sets of raw data do not exist, per P. Jones:
The EPA says (from Mr. Pielke's blog):

There are not three independent records of surface temperatures trends as we reported in our Pielke et al 2007, i.e.

  • The raw surface temperature data from which all of the different global surface temperature trend analyses are derived are essentially the same. The best estimate that has been reported is that 90–95% of the raw data in each of the analyses is the same (P. Jones, personal communication, 2003).""
Some have petitioned the EPA to reconsider the charge of greenhouse gas endangerment. Nice idea, but the US government, bankers, and big business have built a fortress around carbon trading and won't quit so easily. It's a sure-fire killer of the American middle class so it's doubly good. This could have been stopped years ago if we had had one person in DC who wasn't spineless. (ed.)
"The EPA claim that

After months of serious consideration of the petitions and of the state of climate change science EPA finds no evidence to support these claims”

is absurd.

  • It is almost trivial to show that the EPA is not properly considering peer reviewed research that differs from their findings.

As just one example, they write

The global warming trend over the past 100 years is confirmed by three separate records of surface temperature, all of which are confirmed by satellite data.”

There are not three independent records of surface temperatures trends as we reported in our Pielke et al 2007, i.e.

The raw surface temperature data from which all of the different global surface temperature trend analyses are derived are essentially the same. The best estimate that has been reported is that 90–95% of the raw data in each of the analyses is the same (P. Jones, personal communication, 2003).

They also ignored peer reviewed research that shows a discrepancy between the surface and lower tropospheric temperature trends; i.e.

This EPA Denial is yet another perpetuation of the group think that was so evident in the released CRU e-mails." ***

  • Wall Street is behind the whole thing:
  • The 2007 Supreme Court 5-4 decision on CO2 endangerment was a gold mine for Wall Street-ENTERGY stock rocketed to an all time high:
1. April 6, 2007: Supreme court CO2 decision favored big business. Big energy company Entergy was among plaintiffs-and winners-in the 2007 US Supreme Court case ruling (5 to 4) that carbon dioxide was a pollutant (4/2/07):
  • The ruling made and continues to make big money for big Entergy Corp.
2. October 2009, Entergy's chairman hysterically advances the possible
cap and trade. The Chairman of Entergy speaks at a White House meeting portraying his
3. December 10, 2009, AP, Entergy Chairman invokes deadly threat again, says
  • "bullets"
aimed at us due to global warming.
"We're playing Russian Roulette with the planet and our economy," Leonard said. "The difference is
Shockingly, Entergy also advises that the 'hockey stick' graph is just fine! (item #30)
  • P.S. How do they explain the coming and going of global ice ages before the automobile existed?
  • via Climate Depot and Tom Nelson

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